The star of our home shows...
has recently turned one. April 14th Claire sprung into this world a whole month and a half early. Little did we know how fitting that would be for her. Her first birthday began much like any other day, eating grahams.
Due to the sad, but peaceful passing of my grandpa Jack, Claire spent her birthday in her birth state, Utah, so we could attend the funeral. Since the funeral was on her birthday, it was a celebration of life day, really - I'm sure these two spirited characters wouldn't mind sharing such a day.
Since I failed to bring Claire's bib down to breakfast, grandpa Tom suited her up with a nice cowgirl napkin to protect those little whale pajamas.
It was much needed.
While it may have been a bummer to have your first birthday on a funeral day, it was actually very sweet. The whole extended family was there to celebrate with Miss Claire, complete with a couple different kinds of cake thanks to the kind ladies who put together the funeral luncheon. (If you can make it through my loud birthday singing, Claire's face is priceless when Isaiah goes to blow out the candle...)
Then came cake time - a chocolate delight and a green jello cool-whip kind. It was messy and wonderful, a day that is sure to bring fond memories to her the rest of her life.
And now our little toddler is just so grown up. Luckily, I am not worried that she will always remain a kid at heart haha.
Other things of note:
In Utah, I got to see my BFF for life for the first time since I dropped her off at the MTC. I was oh so happy. I am also oh so happy that she is dating my cousin. Potential family - !!!!! Haha. Just kidding. But really.
And lastly, but not leastly, the newest issue of SquareTwo is now live!
Enlighten your mind, challenge your assumptions. Or, if you are bored, just take a peek. (: